Friday, June 25, 2010

5 Lies Guys Tell and Why

Words by Thomas Jamison
Whether you want to admit or not, we lie. Some are much better at it than others, but nonetheless, guys of all backgrounds say some universal fibs for all sorts of reasons. compiles the top 5 lies men tell their girl, and attempt to explain the “why” behind it.

5. “I couldn’t call because….”

This one is usually followed by things like “I didn’t have a signal”, or “My battery is dead”, etc. It’s not really that. It simply is because we didn’t want to be bothered at that time. Some women can handle the truth, most can’t. Telling your girl doesn’t want to talk to you may cause more problems down the road, so guys simply side step that potential issue.

4. “I would never lie to you…”

Yes he would, and you(the woman) will lie to him too. I hear fellas say this to their girl in some form or fashion all the time, and just laugh. Anytime someone starts the conversation off with “Trust Me” or “Honestly”, it makes me automatically become more alert to what they are about to say. Odds are there is some lie mixed in with it, and they are trying to make themselves believe the lie as much as they want you to.

3. “Everything’s Ok”

It’s really not. If a guy has to even say that, then odds are your girl is asking you if something’s wrong, because things feel different. A guy might not want to talk about whatever the problem is at the time, but there is something wrong, definitely.

2. “You look good in that dress.”

Even if you don’t, odds are he isn’t gonna tell you. This applies to if you drag your man with you shopping at the mall, and he has to sit there while you try on 14 outfits, or if you two decide to go out on a date, and he is waiting for you to get ready. At some point, the patience runs out, and he will be ready to say you look good in whatever you walk out in.

1. I wasn’t looking at her….

He was, and he will look again. Men(most of them) are attracted to beautiful women, and if you two are out, your man will look if he sees a woman that looks like the one below.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

15 Reasons Why I Hate Boston

I had the misfortune of spending most of 2008 in this crappy city and I can tell you like most (or all) transplants the experience of living in Boston are thoroughly unpleasant. Here are 15 Reasons Why I Hate Boston:

1. Terrible public transportation. Boston Globe calculates that the Boston train is the worst in the U.S. with a 20% tardy rate. But they fail to count the number of times the train comes too early. And buses can be worse sometimes. They've been known to come over an hour late or not at all. And don't get me started on Haitian cab drivers. Unlike the train and bus workers, who are surly beyond belief, the Haitian cab drivers can be friendly, but shiesty, and many times incompetent.

2. Dunkin Donuts everywhere. Wherever you are in MA you're never more than 5 miles away from the nearest Dunkin Donut. That store is a rip-off. The prices fluctuate from store to store. The Dunkin Donut on Market Street in Lynn charges donuts for 69 cents, but the one a few blocks down, on Western Avenue, charges 95 cents. How does that work?

3. High cost of living. Everywhere in the country people have to deal with the high cost of living, but in MA it's extremely overpriced. For all the inconveniences he has to deal with, why should an MA resident pay $900 for a cramped studio in Gloucester?

4. Boston natives hate transplants. Although some natives seem to be okay with transplants, I got the feeling that many hated transplants. On citydate forum, I once read a Boston native say, "I have no problems with Bostonians. It's the transplants I hate". That's idiotic because it's the transplants who give Boston it's name. If it wasn't for people from around the world going to Boston to enroll in its overrated schools then MA would be considered just another backwater New England state like Maine or Vermont (even though it is anyway).

5. Ugly accent. This is pretty self-explanatory. It's damn near impossible to find some idiot who is gonna say he actually likes the accent. I've known people who moved outta MA and left because they didn't want their kids to get the stupid accent (among other reasons). Some American accents are just dumb-sounding, some are just irritating, but the Boston accent is both stupid and irritating. I nearly got into a fight with a Bostonian because I asked him how Boston men got it up when trying to have sex with a Boston woman with a thick accent.

6. Rude customer service. Whether you're taking the subway, going to Shaw's, or any other place, you're gonna have to deal with terrible customer service. It's all attitude, attitude, attitude. And you're just there to ask a simple question. The thing about it is that many customer service reps are overly rude in order to hide their stupidity. Stupidity amongst the MA working class is pervasive.

7. Terrible housing. Old, dilapidated apartments with crappy heating, no garages, and a bunch of other hassles is something you got to watch out for in MA. There is a lot of junky places to live that aren't worth have as much as they're selling it for but is overpriced merely because it's "historical" and "colonial".

8. Confusing street layout. If you're driving in MA and you're from a place that actually has competent people in charge of city planning, then you're going to be confused as crap in MA. You'll find yourself at 4-way intersections with no street signs to tell you what street you're on or crossing, or even find yourself going down a "street" that is nothing more than a back alley. 1-way streets are constantly changing directions, street names are being changed endlessly, and you'll encounter road construction that fixes nothing.

9. Average-looking people. I'm not asking them to be the hottest of the hot, but I noticed MA women are the most average-looking or bottom of the barrel type of chicks on the planet. And to worsen the situation, they are also stuck-up, humorless, and boring. Women who transfer to MA tell me the men aren't better either.

10. Constant misery. Within a week of living in Boston, after you're done marvelling at the historical architecture, you start to feel a general gloom weighing down upon you like a sack of potatoes. Even the most cheery person realizes maybe all the warnings they heard and read from people who lived in that state were actually true, and Boston is a miserable place to live. You try to shake it off but it sticks to you like a rash. And even though you try to put effort into making your existence in MA bearable, it just seems like way too much effort and maybe it would be best to call it quits and move on.

11. Bigotry. For a city that has a reputation for being socially liberal, it's strange how there's so much racism. That's what shocks everyone who goes there. The constant racism is unbelievable that it can't help but seem sickening and hypocritical.

12. Everything closes by midnight. In a town that tries to show itself to the world as being some sort of cosmopolitan metropolis, Boston can't help but be nothing more than a provincial dungheap. And that shows in the fact that most shops start closing up by eleven, and the city feels eerily dead by midnight.

13. Crappy dating scene. It's supposed to be a college town, which means there are single young folks all around, so why do longtime MA residents say things such as, "If you're single in Boston then you'd might as well kill yourself?". Maybe it's because everyone is too busy being cold, racist pricks to actually enjoy life.

14. Terrible drivers. People who cut you off and wave, people who drive on the shoulder, people who drive on your tail in the slow lane, all those people are trying to say, "Welcome to our wonderful city".

15. It's boring. It's damn near impossible to refute this fact. Boston is an extremely boring town. No nightlife, no hot chicks, no cool people, few interesting things to see, nothing. After a day of being in the city you can't help but ask, "Is this it?". And you get this feeling of depression when you realize you've packed up and moved to the most overrated, overpriced city in Northeast America. That's when the misery starts.

That's my list. I'm damn sure there are people who are thinking about or are heading to Boston and have read my list and thought, "Boston can't be all that bad". Wait until you're stuck there. Then you'll realize it's actually much worse.

If Chris Brown lived in Boston he'd hate it too.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10 Reasons Why I Hate Florida

These are the Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate Florida and Why Florida Sucks:

10. Golf courses. Because Florida is mainly old people there are golf courses everywhere. If you're in Florida you're always within a five mile radius of a golf course.

9. Crappy drivers. You've either got the comatose old folks behind the wheel who drive 10 mph below the speed limit (max) or the crazy, reckless jerks who pull the craziest stunts and then flick you off for being in their way.

8. Stupid/Rude people. It seems like it's a requirement that if you're from Florida, or if you live in Florida, that you have to be an ignorant jerkoff. People in Florida love to cough without covering their mouths; fart in front of you when you're standing in line behind them; give you an ugly look when you greet them; and play their music extra loud when you ask them to lower it, among other annoying thhings.

7. Humidity. If you live in Florida then prepare to be stuck inside for most of the year. Humidity doesn't even let off at night. I remember it being midnight in Tampa and I took off my T-shirt and it was soaked from sweat because of all the brain-frying humidity.

6. Bugs. Palmetto bugs, mosquitoes, cockroaches three times the size of your big toe. Yep, when you see these things then you'll hear the words, "Welcome to Florida" whispered sarcastically in your ear.

5. Bad economy. People with good degrees can't expect to get anything aside from customer service or something marginally better. The employers are cheap and Florida relies heavily on tourism. Kids graduate from high school knowing that it's highly unlikely they'll be able to find anything good as far as employment goes in that state.

4. Tornadoes/tropical storms. These things go on for months on end. And they just make life miserable.

3. Weird crime/criminals. Turn on the news and you might hear a news anchor talk about another weird crime in Florida like, "Tonight our top story involves a toothless man stabbing his girlfriend to death with a spork because she ate the last of his sardines. But first a story about a junior high crossing guard that was beaten to death by a disgruntled mailman with a plastic light saber." And those kind of weird stories happen in Florida all the time. Florida grows the weirdest criminals. And if that wasn't bad enough, many criminals from other parts of the U.S. seem to be drawn to Florida like magnets. It's no wonder shows like Cops, America's Most Wanted, and To Catch a Predator are constantly filmed in Florida.

2. Snotty rich people. Damn near everyone in Florida who is rich is a snob. The crappy economy gives them an excuse to pay their employees a pittance, and they look down on people who don't have as much as them.

1. Cultureless. That's the first thing I noticed when I arrived in Florida. It's cultureless. Nothing. Just chain stores and golf courses. Much of America is cultureless but Florida takes it to new heights.

In short, I hate Florida.

Oh, and usual, shot out to my homie Chris Brown. Woo-hoo! You still better than all the haters, Chris!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chris Brown denied entry to UK?

Looks like Chris has been denied entry into London because of his "criminal record". Since when did it become a crime to slap around a chick that needed to be slapped around? I tell you this world has gone topsy-turvy.

But's good for Chris to know he's still got fans in the UK. Things are not all grim and grime for this talented singer. If he gets access into the UK then he might wanna consider moving there and trying to restart his career. It might be less hostile than the US.

I got this story from

Monday, June 21, 2010

New Chris Brown fan here

Yo folks, Chris Brown makes good music. I've always listened to jazz my whole life but now I'm listening to Chris Brown and I really dig his music. He needs to keep up the music. Fuck the haters.