Friday, June 25, 2010

5 Lies Guys Tell and Why

Words by Thomas Jamison
Whether you want to admit or not, we lie. Some are much better at it than others, but nonetheless, guys of all backgrounds say some universal fibs for all sorts of reasons. compiles the top 5 lies men tell their girl, and attempt to explain the “why” behind it.

5. “I couldn’t call because….”

This one is usually followed by things like “I didn’t have a signal”, or “My battery is dead”, etc. It’s not really that. It simply is because we didn’t want to be bothered at that time. Some women can handle the truth, most can’t. Telling your girl doesn’t want to talk to you may cause more problems down the road, so guys simply side step that potential issue.

4. “I would never lie to you…”

Yes he would, and you(the woman) will lie to him too. I hear fellas say this to their girl in some form or fashion all the time, and just laugh. Anytime someone starts the conversation off with “Trust Me” or “Honestly”, it makes me automatically become more alert to what they are about to say. Odds are there is some lie mixed in with it, and they are trying to make themselves believe the lie as much as they want you to.

3. “Everything’s Ok”

It’s really not. If a guy has to even say that, then odds are your girl is asking you if something’s wrong, because things feel different. A guy might not want to talk about whatever the problem is at the time, but there is something wrong, definitely.

2. “You look good in that dress.”

Even if you don’t, odds are he isn’t gonna tell you. This applies to if you drag your man with you shopping at the mall, and he has to sit there while you try on 14 outfits, or if you two decide to go out on a date, and he is waiting for you to get ready. At some point, the patience runs out, and he will be ready to say you look good in whatever you walk out in.

1. I wasn’t looking at her….

He was, and he will look again. Men(most of them) are attracted to beautiful women, and if you two are out, your man will look if he sees a woman that looks like the one below.

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